There have been countless interviews made, Tweets, posts on Facebook and Instagram, press conferences and the likes made with US President Donald Trump since his time sitting at the office.

This makes it extremely difficult of the most significant issues the US President has been involved in.

Trump’s Issues that the World Can’t Forget

Even if you tried monitoring these issues he has been involved to, most of his comments are irrelevant. But few of the most notorious political issues that he was into are:

  • Donald Trump on War
  • Donald Trump on the Environment
  • Donald Trump on Immigration
  • Donald Trump on Race Relations
  • Donald Trump on Fiscal Responsibility
  • Donald Trump on Foreign Policy
  • Donald Trump on Public Relations

That’s for Those who Hate

Each has a different issue and some have not been entirely resolved. This as a result gave people with a shared wisdom that US suffered under the supremacy of Donald Trump. More so in terms of influence and image worldwide. According to recent reports, it suggests that there is actually less to what most people are thinking.

Those who are supporting Trump are boasting about his job regarding economic growth, his commitment in making the country great again and the goal-oriented policies implied for immigration.